mass effect: legendary edition
Release Date
May 14, 2021
Units Sold


ea swiss Bioware


Electronic Arts

mass effect: legendary edition

RPG Adventure Action Shooter DLC Remastered Legendary Edition Commander Shepard Mass Effect 4K

About the Game

Game Name: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Get ready to dive into the legendary universe with a twist of FPS action. Developed by EA Swiss and Bioware, this remastered treasure trove released on May 14, 2021, showcases a captivating blend of shooter mechanics, adventure, and RPG elements. While you might be outnumbered in fierce space battles, the real fun lies in taking out enemies with style and cheeky headshots! Despite being a crowd-pleaser with an impressive Metacritic score of 88 and over 17 million units sold, this game might not vibe with hardcore FPS fans due to its RPG elements and solo campaigns. But don’t fret, friends! If you can get through the slow bits, the narrative hits you with drama like your favorite late-night series, and the player decisions can make your foes rage-quit in disbelief. Notable for innovating the franchise with enhanced graphics and awesome performance upgraders, this edition is all about that fast-paced action! You’ll explore interconnected worlds, each ready for your trollish presence. Assemble a crew, rush into battle, and unleash the total chaos as you try to frag everything in sight. If you ever wanted to mix epic storytelling with cool freakin’ shootouts, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will keep your desire to dominate alive!


Shooter Adventure Action RPG